簡介 X18+ | ADDICT NO.05 TOI

He is worth the wait! You have been rewarded by our casting team which is proudly present the imported model who is not just only handsome but sexy “Toi”. He is going to turn your lonely rainy season into the heat with all his splendid muscular and huge willy. He reveals every inch of his full body that you will be thrilled. More than hundred poses in this issue is now more than ready to fascinate all your senses.

頁數:274 (雙刊)

  • 普通用戶: 10M豆
  • 高級會員: 免费
  • 黑金會員: 免费

版本說明: 簡介 X18+表示非/半全見版,簡介 X20表示全見版,簡介 X20+表示全見噴版